Jenna Koziol - Soccer Player

Jenna Koziol is a 23-year-old who played soccer for Cal State Northridge.

She received the Dean's Award for 2017 Outstanding Student for the Department of Communication Disorders and Sciences, and was also chosen as the Enterprise Rent-A-Car Female Student Athlete of the Year in 2017. She had a 4.0 GPA in college.

She started playing soccer as a kid and had no fear of diving or getting dirty. She loved being able to make a huge impact in the game, so she was drawn to being the goalkeeper. In college, Jenna worked hard day-in and day-out on the field, in the classroom and in her part-time jobs.

She was competing for time with a goalkeeper that was nationally-ranked. Instead of getting discouraged, Jenna took her destiny into her own hands. If she couldn't make a difference on the field, she could make a difference in the classroom and the other areas of her life. She became a scholarship athlete.

After college, Jenna was asked to coach a girls' club soccer team. She was afraid of the responsibility, the public speaking, the parents... everything. But she says it was one of the best decisions she's made. "They helped me grow tremendously as a coach and individual," Jenna says.

Jenna's idols growing up were Ian Feuer, Mia Hamm and her mom. She's motivated by Joshua 1:9, "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

What is Jenna's advice to other Moxy Girls?

"If you have passion, courage, and are willing to make sacrifices, you will be successful. Trust the process, embrace the struggle, and be gritty."

Thanks for being a Moxy Girl, Jenna!

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